>After a while Ryoga started talking, at first just about the weather and then Kuno's recent absence. But as time went on he talked about his life and family and his feelings for Akane. All the while Ranma sat in front of him and nodded her head never saying anything, just listening and watching him. As Ryoga talked he realized it wasn't really Akane he loved but the idea of being in love. He was lonely and needed someone. He now realized that Akane wasn't that someone though.

[SD-Justy]: " Jeez... Akane's getting the shrift through this whole thing. "

>After he talked for a long time he feltbetter. He got up and went upstairs turned into P-chan and went to sleep in the living room. Ranma cleaned up and planned breakfast. Meanwhile while all this was happening Shampoo and Cologne were scheming. They had whipped up what they thought was a sure fire way of getting Ranma's attention on Shampoo.

{SD-Frank}: "Well, as long as they don't end up _literally_ 'whipping up' Ranma...O_o"
[SD-Justy]: "Mmmmmmm... Soylent Green. "

>Something Cologne was willing to call Love potion 10. The most potent love potion ever devised.

{SD-Frank}: "Whoa, maybe that's better than that other stuff...Passion Spice, right..?"
[SD-Justy]: " Actually, I prefer Hai! Karate. "

>All that was needed was to get Ranma to eat it. Unfortunetly Ranma cooked her own food so that meant placing it in her own kitchen. She choose the night of the welcome home for the holidays party for Nabiki.

[SD-Justy]: "'Bout damn time she got back! "

>Chapter 4

Everyone was invited including the Kuno's. Everyone.

{SD-Frank}: "Did you mention Everyone was there?"
[SD-Justy]: "Everyone as in the entire population of Planet Earth. "
{SD-Frank}: "Really..? So..errr..why weren't we invited? ^_^;;"

>The party was in full swing. Everyone was having a good time.

{SD-Frank}: "Well, I wasn't quite _Sure_ that everyone was there, but now it's ok..^_^"
[SD-Justy]: "That must be one kickass party! "

>Of course Ranma was making party snacks in the kitchen.

[SD-Justy]: "Whipping up the ole Chex Party Mix ... and them Rice Krispy things... "

>Shampoo went into the kitchen under the guise of helping out. While in there Shampoo tried one more time to tempt Ranma natural.

{SD-Frank & Justy}: "Vile Temptress!"

>She backed Ranma in the corner. "Nihao Ranma today you take Shampoo to date."
"No Shampoo I'm not attracted to anyone right now, at least not girls"

{SD-Frank}: "Well, at least we know this isn't gonna turn into a Sailor Moon/Ranma lemon..."

>"What Ranma mean at least not girls?" "Shampoo, the hairclasp makes me feel maternal. It's hard to love a woman when you feel like one yourself, and really hard when you want to have your own babies, if you understand my meaning." Shampoo went into shock.

[SD-Justy]: "Ranma's gonna be a baby factory. "
{SD-Frank}: *flipping through a book* "Shampoo's in...Collective Apoplexy, right..?"

>She quickly ran out of the room and sought her great-grandmother. After hearing what she had to say Cologne hopped into the kitchen while Ranma was serving food. She had the love potion in a soy sauce bottle. She was just about to pour it in Ranma's glass when she returned. Cologne hid in the broom closet. Ranma mistook the potion for real soy sauce and started pouring it in the food. Cologne just sighed and decided it was time to go home before the orgy began.

{SD-Frank}: o_O "Ok, maybe I was wrong about it not turning into a SM/Ranma lemon...you did say _everyone_ was there, right..?"
[SD-Justy]: "Yep everyone... -_- "

>As Ranma was preparing the food Ryoga walked in. As always Ranma tasted the food to make sure it was good. It tasted great. She gave some to Ryoga. He ate some with Ranma.

{SD-Frank}: "Talk about the forbidden fruit..."
[SD-Justy]: " Ya knew it was bound to happen. "

>They of course didn't know that that was how the potion was activated. About half-hour of avoiding each other did nothing to supress the sudden feeling between them.

{SD-Frank}: "The Church of Ranko and Ryouga must be having a field day..."
[SD-Justy]: "And there was much rejoicing...yaaaay." <--- CORR member
{SD-Frank}: "Not for everyone.." <---- non-CoRR member

>And Ryoga ended up seeking Ranma out. He had been oblivious to the fact that half of the party had disappeared with each other. When Akane who hadn't eaten that particular snack came in, Ranma and Ryoga was mearly in an embrace, but that was enough for Akane. She started glowing a blue aura and her biggest mallet came out. At first she wasn't sure who she was going to hit

[SD-Justy]: "Yep THATS the winning aura... blue. Alright... Akane's gonna kick some butt! "
{SD-Frank}: "Ten bucks she goes different and hits Ryouga first.."

>but decided on Ranma after all it was always his fault right?

{SD-Frank}: "Chikuso! I lost..!" *pulling out wallet*
[SD-Justy]: "Pay up. "
{SD-Frank}: *hands Justy a ten, grumbling about predictability*

>The mallet almost connected when Ryoga hit it and busted it in half. Akane was furious she attacked Ryoga. Ryoga dodged the next blow. He still didn't want to hurt her so he decided discretion was indeed the better part of valor. As he whirled Akane through the door, he grabbed Ranma and bounded out of the window.

{SD-Frank}: "Say it with me guys and gals..Saotome Secret Technique!"

>They didn't need to go far for safety. When they landed they didn't say anything. They just sat together and held each other. They didn't need sex.

[SD-Justy]: *sniff* its so sweet...
{SD-Frank}: "Hmmm..no Mad Passionate Sex? Oh well.."

>They needed the connection between the spirits. They eventually fell asleep on the roof together. They were the only ones who didn't have sex, that is of those who took the potion.

{SD-Frank}: O_o "Well, there's the Mad Passionate Sex.."
[SD-Justy]: "Remember now... _everyone_ was at the party, even a character that's due to arrive soon. "

>For them Love meant more than that. And they were able to fulfill that in each other.

{SD-Frank}: "In each-? I thought...Never mind..."
[SD-Justy]: "Yep... that sounds like sex to me. "

>But just because they didn't make love didn't mean others believed they hadn't. After all Nabiki took a picture of them in each others arms, what did it matter that they still had on their clothes.

{SD-Frank}: "Hey, there's another comma....is that the second or third we've seen?"

>The only time Ryoga was safe from Akane was when he was a pig but he wasn't safe from everyone else, after all everyone else knew about his curse. Of course dispite claims from Ranma that nothing physical happened she still had to listen to her father's ranting and raving. And despite that Nabiki had only been in town a short time she had managed to make and spread enough talk and pictures that everyone knew what had happened.

{SD-Frank}: "YEAH! GO Nabiki-sama!"

>Nabiki blamed Ranma for her sleeping with Kuno.

[SD-Justy]: " NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! "
{SD-Frank}: *piku*

>Even as she boarded the bus she tacked one last picture on the for sale board at the terminal. She was just turning around when she heard a familiar voice say,"Oh my what is Ranko doing with that boy?"
"Oh Aunt Saotome it is just horrible let me tell you all about it. Just the other night she lost her honor to this guy who said he loves her if they were honorable they would make up for it by........"

{SD-Frank}: "Argh! No! Not a cliffhanger!" Well, I can forgive it just this once..just don't do it again.."

>Chapter 5

>The door bell rang as Ranma put the cookies in the oven to bake. She hummed a little as she went down the hall and was a little curious as to why her father was suddenly a panda playing with a tire. When she opened the door she knew the answer. Her mother smiled at her, "Hello Ranko."
"Hello Auntie Saotome. How are you? Please come in."
"Ranko I'm so glad to see you. Particularly in that dress it's so nice to see you looking feminine.

[SD-Justy]: " She's a girl. How can she not look feminine? "

>But I do have something to talk to you about."

A little later Ranma could do little more than sit there with her mouth open. She could not believe her ears. Nabiki's slander had reached Ranma's mother. Now her mother believed that she had lost her honor to Ryoga and was now saying that the only way she could reclaim her honor was to marry Ryoga.

[SD-Justy]: " Oh really Nodoka, you slut! You were at that orgy with _everyone_ . I don't see you running off to marry. "
{SD-Frank}: "Mad Passionate Sex has its drawbacks, I guess..."

>Ranma tried to deny that they had done anything but of course she didn't believe her. Life was once again getting complicated.

[SD-Justy]: "Guess Ranma picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue. "
{SD-Frank}: "It wasn't complicated already? O_O"

>Ranma tried to discuss the situation with her father, but he refused, he said he no longer had a child. After hearing what had supposedly happened he disowned Ranma. Great thought Ranma, We didn't do anything yet we must pay for it still. I must speak with Ryoga about all this.

Ryoga was rather hard to find thanks to the fact that everyone was trying to kill him. After several hours she found him on the edge of the forest camping. After telling him what was happening his only idea was to do one of two things: Tell her the truth about who Ranma was, or go ahead and get married.

{SD-Frank}: "Tell her the truth! Tell her the truth!"
[SD-Justy *toady mode*]: "Yeah! "

>Ranma wouldn't mind getting married it's just she didn't want people pushing her into marrying for the wrong reasons. But Ranma was frightened at the prospect of telling her mother the truth and told Ryoga that. He told her he would be right there with her and would try to protect her from her mother and failing that would at least help her escape.

{SD-Frank}: "Ah, the tragedy of love..*snif*"

>Things did not go at all as Ranma thought that it would. First her mother took it better than she thought she would as far as the fact that she now had a daughter instead of a son.

[SD-Justy]: " Oh... that's all. "

>But she was extremely angry at Genma for all the lying. Next she told Ranma something she was never prepared for, the so called oath to make Ranma a manly man was all Genma's idea and she would never kill either of them for failure. All though she was rethinking the idea of harming Genma.

{SD-Frank}: *bad English accent* " 'ees not quite dead yet..."
[SD-Justy]: " Oh just kill him and get it over with... "

>And lastly the thing she didn't expect was that her mother still wanted her to get married to a martial artist even if it wasn't Akane. So Ryoga was still a canidated for marriage. After several thrashings by his lovely wife over the next several days Genma eventually agreed.

{SD-Frank}: "I'm not even thinking about what kind of thrashing she was giving him..."
[SD-Justy *Kasumi voice*]: "...but premarital sex is wrong!"
{SD-Frank} *Nabiki voice* "Justy, you're so old-fashioned.."

>AND finally and so they married.

[SD-Justy]: "Wow... that was easy. "
{SD-Frank}: "Hey, I wish it was as easy to get married...I think.."

>Did they live happily ever after? Did Akane, Ucchan, and Shampoo ever seek them out? Did they have children? Did Ryoga ever overcome his directional problem?

{SD-Frank}: *leaning forward in his seat in anticipation*
[SD-Justy]: " All this and more on the next episode of ... Soap. "

>I don't know. Maybe we will find out later for now it's time to go.

{SD-Frank}: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I _told_ you not to do another cliffhanger! Grahhh! *overturning popcorn and stomping it*

>The End?

Sorry for the lame ending but when you have an Eleven month old who has already learned how to twist mommy to her will it can't be helped.

{SD-Frank}: *sitting down* "Ok, maybe I can excuse you...again..^_^"

>I've got to hurry but just real quick I will tell you why I wrote this pathetic piece of garbage.

[SD-Justy]: O_O ...
{SD-Frank}: "Gosh, really self-effacing, isn't she..?"

>The other night I looked around at my trashed out kitchen (I have 6 kids and a husband) and I didn't want to clean it up! No way no how! Why should I be the one to do it. And while I did the dishes (resenting it the whole time) I thought about Kasumi and how she loved everyone and always was quiet(earlier I spent half an hour yelling at the oldest two children to clean their room) she never yelled and on top of that she loved to clean. I said to my self that isn't natural.

[SD-Justy]: "It AINT natural... Its PROZAC!!!"
{SD-Frank}: *Freud voice* "Not necassarily..you see..eet all goes back to ven Kasumi vas a child, und ven she vasn't held enough....*babbling on*"

>So I figured the only thing that would make anyone like that would be some sort of magic spell. And why Ryoga and Ranma? My husband who I dearly love reminds me of Ryoga he constantly wanders and gets lost. He's still my sweety. Personally I identify with Ranma. We both end up in arguements and situations we never counted on. Well I have to go my daughter does this pouty lip thing that just melts my heart. I know she's spoiled but she's so good at it.

{SD-Frank}: "Awwww...^_^"

*screen fades to black*

{SD-Frank}: "Shucks, I have to be serious about reviewing now? Well, the biggest "not-good" thing was the fastness of plot. Things flew from one thing to the other really quickly, something I'm not used to. I did like the magic items and the way they were employed, though, and the Kasumi hairclip thing was very original - I'd never thought of that. Not too much else, other than minor OOC-ness and the fact that there should be a realization that "the comma is your friend" ^_- but overall it was ok as a work. Justy?"

[SD-Justy]: "Well now Frank... I suppose that I would have to agree with you. The plot went by too fast. If she were to have *ignored her kids* and concentrated on her *writing* she could have developed the plot slower. The magic was cool. I think that part of the story was very well thought out. IMHO the OOC-ness was a concern of mine. Akane would not take any of that. As for the commas they weren't *that* sparse. A little proof-reading punctuation-wise couldn't hurt. She could have just sent the fanfic in with one of her childs English assignments, let the teacher do the work for her ^_^ . Overall, I enjoyed it, I give it a C+ .

{SD-Frank}: "See you next time...and don't forget...1 out of 10 people say "Oh My" as a part of their regular vocabulary.. ^_^"

[SD-Justy]: "No kidding"...

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